Conservative Catholic Media Shills For Anti-Catholic Masonic Hate
December 9, 2018

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December 9, 2018
Essel said (December 9, 2018):
his article, however, which raises a hare of importance is unfortunately seriously tainted by the equivocality of the term "catholic traditionalist".
Without even mentioning the historic "traditionalism", heresy conveyed by De Bonald, Joseph de Maistre, etc., condemned by Rome at the end of the nineteenth century, the term "traditionalist Catholics" now covers very different and logically incompatible meanings.
Of course, the forces that occupy the Church of Jesus Christ since the death of Pius XII, have from the beginning of the promulgation of Vatican II, sought to set up controlled oppositions: elementary, my dear Watson!
There is, as a first approximation, a very simple way of recognizing them: they recognize the current occupant of the siege of St. Peter as an authentic pope. At the same time, these movements will criticize new practices more or less explicitly.
This is the case of the "Fraternité Saint Pie X" founded by Mgr. Lefebvre, who, while recognizing the "pope" as true pope, disobeys him and criticizes him. It also recognizes the validity of Vatican Council II, but does not apply the decrees, including the "new Mass" imposed in 1969.
Still in this category of false oppositions we find the "Brotherhood of St. Peter", so-called "rallied", which is totally united with the current nominal popes but retains some ancient usages as the mass of St. Pius V.
There is also, always cataloged as "traditionalism", a real opposition, whose priests and faithful agree to be ostracized and who, as it is mentioned in the Acts, prefer God to men. Such is the case, for example, of the Mater Boni Consilii Institute of Verrua in North Italy or in the United States, the ecclesiastical society headed by Mgr. Sanborn. There are several others, which differ on the interpretation of the current deprivation situation of Authority ("sedevacantism"), as the society led by Mgr Dolan.
Finally, the term "conservative Catholics" refers to the followers of Vatican II, in full communion with the current occupants, but who have a sometimes sincere nostalgia for Latin and ancient rites.
The case of Martin Malachi is complex and can not be tackled validly in a short article like this one. It is besides object of polemics difficult to slice.
CAD said (December 9, 2018):
We all agree there’s big trouble going on in the Catholic Church. Two problems in particular jumped out at me from this long discussion. First, it was Pope Pius X who first decried modernism in the Church, coming down from the very top. However, the single most virulently anti-Catholic website out there is run by Most Holy Family Monastery! It is a sedevacantist site, which claims that the Chair of Peter is vacant, and has been ever since Paul VI. Thus it is both heretical and schismatic.
Pope Benedict actually called for nonbelievers to simply be ‘honest’ and leave. Look around you, it is happening as we speak, and note the natural deaths of the baby boomers. Prior to his papacy, as early as 1979, Benedict saw clearly the impending crisis, and prophesied the result, which will soon be a much smaller, yet much holier Church.
Brian said (December 9, 2018):
This is the article i have been waiting for.
Some years ago under strange circumstances i befriended a Rabbi.
he told me that the destruction of the catholic church was a jewish priority, he said they brought it to the people and soon it will be destroyed, he said that jews would put 1000 communists satanists and homosexuals into the church. At the time i put it out of my mind
but many theologians claim that the last secret of Fatima, was that the church would be destroyed from inside by homosexuality, which is what has happened.
But catholics see Bishop Williamson as the only real catholic today,
his vids on youtube are fascinating as he teaches the truth
RL said (December 9, 2018):
Interesting piece Henry, many players many things to think about , but for the few of us that are real Roman Catholics like Mel Gibson’s father says he is and not a so called traditional catholic , we are suppose to be ( Roman Catholics holding fast to all the traditional teachings of the true Catholic Church ,Dogmas ,doctrine and Etc.the players you mention in the article in my opinion are not Roman Catholic there a heintz 57 variety of believes,opinions and they own make up religion, yes the enemy who has taken over Rome is enjoying the entertainment provided by these poor souls ,all theater he said ,she said not one of them have talked about God and salvation not one note about Mary his mother or about believing right do and acting right , next in regards to the traditional movement well it is there but it is a very very small percentage ,the majority are a cocktail of norvus order and so called traditional mixing up there own religion and telling heaven this is what you get take it out leave it , there are so many teachings and rules Being broken my head spins every one has become a theologian . Even the clergy are not on the band wagon on many subjects thus making it more confusing
Mike Stone said (December 9, 2018):
Very interesting article by Jude Duffy. It corroborates some of your own writings about Bella Dodd and the communist infiltration of the Catholic Church. What poses for the church today is a sham and not true Catholicism at all. The only traditional Catholic organization that I know of that actually preaches true Catholicism is Most Holy Family Monastery in New York. They've been writing and making videos about the infiltration of the church for years now and their material is irrefutable.
JB said (December 9, 2018):
Honestly, most Traditional Catholics have left/never joined the Novus Ordo church because as Father Heidt said: "I don't know if going to some of the Novus Ordo masses are a mortal sin, or not, but they are at best, the near occasion of sin." (Something like that -- paraphrased.) He was referring to the balloon and cookie "masses" at that time.
But it's important to remember that Father Heidt was a very good and obedient priest and tried, for a short while, to make the Novus Ordo work. Instead he retired with the intention of saying the mass for himself, until more and more people kept showing up for the Traditional Mass at his house.
As far as claiming Traditional Catholics being a blip on the radar, that nobody ever heard of. First off -- you don't rant and rave about people "you never heard of". Secondly -- of the Catholics who actually go to Mass, a huge percentage are Traditional Catholics. Around ten or fifteen years ago, I read a mainstream story that more people actually went to the Traditional Mass than the Novus Ordo mass in France.
About the same time, an influential, Vatican newspaper had an article entitled: "The Problem With Traditionalists" (all of this is from memory). "The problem" was that Traditional Catholics tended to have large families and Novus Ordo families didn't. So, they were afraid the Traditional Catholics would out-populate the Novus Ordo Catholics. (Yes, this was a Vatican newspaper, bemoaning large Catholic families.)
I don't know anything about Jude Duffy, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was once a Traditional Catholic and got his nose bent out of shape about something.
JB said (December 9, 2018):
Honestly, most Traditional Catholics have left/never joined the Novus Ordo church because as Father Heidt said: "I don't know if going to some of the Novus Ordo masses are a mortal sin, or not, but they are at best, the near occasion of sin." (Something like that -- paraphrased.) He was referring to the balloon and cookie "masses" at that time.
But it's important to remember that Father Heidt was a very good and obedient priest and tried, for a short while, to make the Novus Ordo work. Instead he retired with the intention of saying the mass for himself, until more and more people kept showing up for the Traditional Mass at his house.
As far as claiming Traditional Catholics being a blip on the radar, that nobody ever heard of. First off -- you don't rant and rave about people "you never heard of". Secondly -- of the Catholics who actually go to Mass, a huge percentage are Traditional Catholics. Around ten or fifteen years ago, I read a mainstream story that more people actually went to the Traditional Mass than the Novus Ordo mass in France.
About the same time, an influential, Vatican newspaper had an article entitled: "The Problem With Traditionalists" (all of this is from memory). "The problem" was that Traditional Catholics tended to have large families and Novus Ordo families didn't. So, they were afraid the Traditional Catholics would out-populate the Novus Ordo Catholics. (Yes, this was a Vatican newspaper, bemoaning large Catholic families.)
I don't know anything about Jude Duffy, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was once a Traditional Catholic and got his nose bent out of shape about something.
JG said (December 9, 2018):
I was blessed to grow up in the Catholic Church at a time when people were God fearing and were regular church goers.
The priests I had for catechism were strict and were men to be feared and respected. The nuns were strict also. The gospel and salvation was a serious matter. The disobedient were not catered to but rather scorned. Without fear and respect what do you have ?
The church gave you a moral structure and a believer's identity. Could you possibly ask for a better upbringing?
Sex scandals within the church were unheard of back then, especially in the church I grew up in. This was the very kind of Catholic Church that the leftist secular globalists wanted destroyed.
I don't believe in mixing politics with the church. Politics is of the world and the church is of God. Once politicism creeps into a church the doctrine becomes compromised. It then slowly becomes a worldly church. This is known as apostasy. Sorry to say but many churches have gone this way.
As for the New Age people, I ask, what makes you think yoy can you get to heaven without Jesus? It's his kingdom.
Mary Ann said (December 9, 2018):
Just curious who Jude Duffy is because clearly he has no idea about people like me. I belong to no movement as he speaks of, and have no desire to have anything to do with modernist heretical new order (novus ordo) church born out of the Vatican II Council. New Order is what they call themselves, and it includes, new liturgy, sacraments,prayers that have been brought up to date with worldly interests.
In the 1950's Bella Dodd testified before Congress about her communist ties and how they put men in seminaries who's sole interest was to pervert and destroy the catholic faith. In that testimony she made it clear she herself directed over 1000 men to become priests and at that date (1950's) many were already in high positions. Just look it up.
That explains this strange church that has our name, buildings, which they have gutted of statues and turned altars into dinner tables. Scripture they have no shame in changing, and destroying our churches, any more then the protestant reformers of the past did. They are the same breed, only the protestant reformers left and these reformers would not leave and the mess Mr Duffy writes about is the end result.
The exact same result that happened after the reformation as hundreds of new sects formed, all claiming to have the truth and fighting sometimes among themselves as to who had the truth.
Our sole interest is the truth as the Catholic Church has handed down from Jesus to His Apostles and to their successors. To receive the sacraments when possible. To share that truth if anyone wants to hear it. Sadly few do since the new order lets even so called Trads believe pretty much what they want as long as it does not include the Dogma of Faith, that is there is no salvation outside the catholic church.
Few trads will accept that dogma and so the confusion and heresies abound, even though this dogma was defined clearly by three popes.
They are Catholics in name, but they are not Traditional Catholics as all they do is try to defend the heretical antics of Francis and the new order. Mr. Duffy has it wrong, it is not even that group alone, that are the globalists pawns, but the whole New Order Uncatholic Church itself.
Even though we have nothing to do with it, they will turn on us because we do believe the One, Holy. Catholic and apostolic Church. The only way of salvation, given by Our Lord to His Apostles.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
VT said (December 11, 2018):
Hi Henry,
Good article from Jude Duffy. My main criticism of it is its apparent conflation of "conservative Catholic" and moral rectitude, or good old fashioned cojones. While it is indeed desirable (from my point of view - being as I am a conservative Catholic) that a good Catholic is both conservative (i.e. true to the traditional beliefs and dogmas that have always been held by the Church) and possessed of moral spine, it is not necessary for a "conservative Catholic" to be totally morally upright.
So can a "conservative Catholic" support gay "marriage" or abortion, you ask. Is not opposition of such moral depravity the very definition of moral rectitude?
Not quite. One can make a conscious decision to oppose murder and moral degeneracy without actually doing anything outwardly.
It is quite a different thing when you are the publisher of a Catholic newspaper and the Jewish mob starts to make your life hell. To stand up to that sort of pressure takes a particular type of moral rectitude that is different from deciding in your head that abortion is murder.
To put your body on the line takes a Jim Trafficant or a Bill Cooper, and sadly there aren't too many of those left, inside the Church, or out.